Sharper Incident Reporting

Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst using Sharper Incident Reporting®


Incidents happen randomly and in an uncontrollable fashion. The chances of an incident occurring in an organization are directly proportional to the number of people who are present at a location. Some incidents are not related to persons at all. It is not possible to prevent incidents from happening. Identifying incidents as and when they occur, and an organization's reaction to this incident is what determines how well is an organization handling its Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) metrics.

Hospitals operate 24x7 and incidents can happen at any moment in time. Many incidents may happen unnoticed. Other incidents may happen at a very critical stage and hospital staff may not find the time to report them. For a solution to be adequate, it needs to be easy to use, save time and effort and make the Incident Reporting Process an intuitive experience. Sharper Incident Reporting® made it simple for us to capture critical data about incidents, analyze them and help prevent them from reoccurring in the future.

Anyone in an organization should be able to report an incident. Once an Incident Report is submitted, it should be reviewed by the submitter's direct manager. The report should then flow through to the Section Head, Department Head, etc. until it lands in the hands of the Quality Management personnel, who will then analyze the root cause of the incident, take corrective actions and help prevent the incident from reoccurring.

Sharper Incident Reporting® makes it easy for anyone to submit an incident report. It also makes sure your quality management standards are met. Here's how:


SharperReminders® provides a lot of features and functionality. Here's a summary:

Feature Explanation

Support for the English and Arabic Languages

Sharper Incident Reporting works in both English, as well as Arabic. A user may change the interface language at any time.

Automated Procedures
  • Automatically fetches the currently logged-on user's user name, email address and direct manager.
  • When submitting a report, the default recipient is the current user's manager.
  • A notification is sent automatically to concerned personnel that a new Incident Report was created, or updated.
  • All activities are logged for audit and research purposes.
  • Can generate the Incident Report Form required by the Ministry of Health in the State of Kuwait using data captured during the reporting.
Adaptability & Flexibility
  • The solution provides a set of reports that can be exported to a plethora of formats.
  • Users who have accounts can submit an Incident Report on behalf of users who do not have an account.
  • It is possible to attach images, voice notes, videos, etc to an Incident Report, enabling rich experiences.
  • Allows privileged users to change some of the categories of incidents.
  • All captured data is used by an Analytical Engine to help analyze the root causes.
  • It is possible to predict when an incident may occur if the incident data is analyzed using Machine Learning algorithms.



Capability Technology
Operating System
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016 or later. We recommend Windows Server 2022.
  • Client machines only need a modern web browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox).
Data Platform Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Standard Edition or later. We recommend SQL Server 2022 Enterprise.
Web App
  • .Net Core 2.1
  • ASP.Net Core 2.1
  • Angular 6

Improved Patient & Employee Experience

Patients and Employees appreciate the improved safety. Now patients expect more from the hospital.

Better Safety

Patients and Employees will feel safer. In case an incident occurs, they will not hesitate to report it immediately.

Enhanced Insights

Understand the root cause and fix it sooner, rather than later. Use Machine Learning to predict the next incident before it happens.

Sharper Incident Reporting® Customers