SharperClinic - Modern Clinic Management

Productive Clinic Management using SharperClinic®


Make your everyday life at your clinic easier and more productive using our solution. SharperClinic makes it easier for you and your assistants to capture, maintain and retrieve your patient records. Alongside advanced Insight into what's going on with your small business.

Whether you are the Doctor in charge of the clinic, or assisting Nurse, or a customer-facing Receptionist or an Accountant, SharperClinic can help you achieve more results with less effort.

Prior to using SharperClinic®, we were in a scheduling nightmare. Most of our patients kept complaining about the appointment conflicts. Our doctors were also suffering, as it took more than 15 minutes to fetch a patient's file. All that is history now.


SharperClinic® provides a lot of features and functionality. Here's a summary:

Feature Explanation
Patient Medical Records
  • Efficiently create a new Patient Medical Record using her/his Smart Civil ID.
  • Replace paper files with Digital Files. This allows physicians to quickly review a Patient's Medical Record.
  • The list of patient's is sorted by whoever has an appointment in the nearest vicinity.
  • Patients with due payments are marked and can easily be identified in the list.
  • Find a Patient's Medical Record using any partially-known data (e.g. phone number, Civil ID, etc.)
  • Once a Patient's Medical Record is found, you can add an appointment, issue an invoice, receive a payment and much more with only a single click.
  • Visually manage the Clinic's appointments for each resource.
  • Mark appointments as Unconfirmed, Confirmed, Arrived, Canceled, etc. and see the color reflected on the appointment.
  • Resources are notified when the patient arrives.
  • Assign the resource and treatment and see the color reflected on the appointment.
  • Drag-and-drop appointments to move them to other time slots or resources.
  • Quickly identify conflicts in appointments and work to fix them.
  • Analyze canceled appointments to identify patterns.
  • Use Medically-Approved terms for chargeable items.
  • Apply discounts as a percentage or amount. The totals automatically recomputed.
  • Apply a Patient's insurance to the total.
  • Credit each transaction to the main resource. This helps in compensation calculations.
  • Allow partial or full payments in Cash, K-Net, Credit Card, etc.
Medication Store
  • Maintain a list of medications for use by the clinic or for sale to patients.
  • Find which medications are due to replenishment and place orders.
  • Manage your medication orders easily and efficiently
  • Extensible list of reports that provide insight into your clinic's business.
  • Statistical reports help identify patterns in your business.
  • Reports can be automatically delivered, based on a schedule, to concerned personnel.



Capability Technology
Operating System
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016 or later on the server. We recommend Windows Server 2022
  • Microsoft Windows 10 or later
Data Platform Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Enterprise Edition or later. We recommend SQL Server 2022 Enterprise
Middle Tier Application Server + Web Services
  • Windows Communications Foundation (WCF)
  • .Net Framework 4.5 or later.
Client Application
  • Smart Client .Net 4.5 or later
  • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
Collaboration & Communication Platform
  • Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 or later. We recommend SharePoint Server 2019
  • Microsoft PerformancePoint Services

Shorter Wait Times

Your customers, patients and/or employees will spend less time waiting for you to process their data.

Data Accuracy

Information is guaranteed to be correct and authoritative, as it's provided by the Public Authority for Civil Information.

Data Consistency

Data is consistent across your systems. If a centralized Master Data is used, it is possible to feed it via this solution.

Reduced Data Entry Errors

Data entry clerks will have little to no editing to do to complete the data entry.

Extensible Reports

Create your own reports and deliver them to concerned personnel.

You are a Champion

You helped reduce operational costs and improve service levels while saving money. You are a champion.

SharperClinic® Customers